Published/Accepted Works
H. Topol, A. Font, A. Melnikov, J. Lacalle, M. Stoffel, and J. Merodio: On the Inflation, Bulging/Necking Bifurcation and Post-Bifurcation of a Cylindrical Membrane under Limited Extensibility of Its Constituents, Math. Mech. Solids 30: 381-405 (2025).
M. J. Al-Chlaihawi, D. Desena-Galarza, H. Topol, and J. Merodio: Computational modeling of a residually stressed thick-walled cylinder under the combined action of axial extension and inflation, Finite Elem. Anal. Des. 244: 104309 (2025)
S. Moradalizadeh, H. Nazari, H. Topol, and J. Merodio: Bulging bifurcation in residually stressed cylindrical double-layered thick-walled cylinders applicable to the modeling of arteries, J. Appl. Comput. Mech. (2025)
H. Lee, N. Panitschewski, H. Topol, S. Tandale, and Marcus Stoffel: Cell-preserving scheme for mechanobiological research on dedifferentiation of chondrocytes, PAMM - Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. 2024: e202400172 (2024)
H. Topol, T. J. Pence: Homeostatic Collagen Remodeling: Enzymatic Strain Stabilization and Large Strain Softening in Pressurized Thick-walled Cylindrical Vessels, Mech. Soft Mater. 6: Article 7 (2024).
H. Asghari, H. Topol, J. Lacalle, J. Merodio: Sensitivity analysis of an inflated and extended fiber-reinforced membrane with different natural configurations of its constituents, Math. Mech. Solids (2024) (first published online, August 19, 2024).
H. Asghari, H. Topol, J. Lacalle, J. Merodio: Sensitivity analysis of fibrous thick-walled tubes with mechano-sensitive remodeling fibers in homeostasis, Acta Mech. 235: 5727–5745 (2024), Open Access.
H. Topol, H. Nazari, M. Stoffel, B. Markert, J. Lacalle, J. Merodio: Instabilities of an inflated and extended doubly fiber-reinforced cylindrical membrane under damage processes and different natural configurations of its constituents with application to abnormal artery dilation, Thin Walled Struct. 197: 111562 (2024). →BibTex.
S. Moradalizadeh, H. Topol, H. Demirkoparan, A. Melnokov, B. Markert, and J. Merodio: Remarks on bifurcation of an inflated and extended swellable isotropic tube, Math. Mech. Solids 29: 474-493 (2024). →BibTeX.
K. Brenzel, L Johnen, M. Praster, N. Blomeyer, A. Weiler, C. Brandl, H. Topol, M. Stoffel, and B. Markert: In vitro study design derived from an in vivo lifting task, PAMM - Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. 23: e202300208 (2023). →BibTeX.
H. Asghari, H. Topol, B. Markert, and J. Merodio: Application of the extended Fourier amplitude sensitivity testing (FAST) method to inflated, axial stretched, and residually stressed cylinders, Appl. Math. Mech. - Engl. Ed. 44: 2139-2162 (2023). →BibTeX.
H. Topol, B. Markert, M. Stoffel, and T. J. Pence: Modeling of Mechanosensitive Remodeling Processes in Collagen Fibers, PAMM - Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. 23: e202300007 (2023). →BibTeX.
H. Topol, H. Asghari, M. Stoffel, B. Markert, and J. Merodio: Post-bifurcation of Inflated Fibrous Cylindrical Membranes under Different Fiber Configurations, Eur. J. Mech. A/Solids 101: 105065 (2023). →BibTeX.
H. Asghari, H. Topol, B. Markert, and J. Merodio: Application of Sensitivity Analysis in Extension, Inflation, and Torsion of Residually Stressed Circular Cylindrical Tubes, Probab. Eng. Mech. 73: 103469 (2023). →BibTeX.
K. Brenzel, N. Blomeyer, L. Johnen, M. Praster, M. Röhrig, H. Topol, C. Brandl, B. Markert, and M. Stoffel: Extension of an In Vitro Spine Test Rig to Track Load-dependent Biomechanics of the Lumbar Spine under Physiological Conditions, PAMM - Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. 23: e202200078 (2023). →BibTeX.
R. Salazar Ortiz, G. Dursun, H. Topol, B. Markert, and M. Stoffel: Migration and remodeling in cartilage replacement materials – an in-vitro bioreactor study, PAMM - Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. 23: e202200310 (2023). →BibTeX.
H. Topol, H. Demirkoparan, M. Stoffel, B. Markert, J. Merodio: Bifurcation of fiber reinforced inflated membranes with different natural configurations of the constituents, PAMM - Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. 22: e202200004 (2023), Open Access. →BibTeX.
N. K. Jha, S. Moradalizadeh, J. Reinoso, H. Topol, and J. Merodio: On the helical buckling of anisotropic tubes with application to arteries, Mech. Res. Commun. 128: 104067 (2023). →BibTeX.
H. Topol, M. Al-Chlaihawi, H. Demirkoparan, J. Merodio: Bifurcation of Fiber-Reinforced Cylindrical Membranes under Extension, Inflation, and Swelling, J. Appl. Comput. Mech. 9: 113-128 (2023), Open Access. →BibTeX.
M. J. Al-Chlaihawi, H. Topol, H. Demirkoparan, and J. Merodio: On Prismatic and Bending Bifurcations of Fiber Reinforced Elastic Membranes under Swelling with Application to Aortic Aneurysms, Math. Mech. Solids 28: 108 - 123 (2023). →BibTeX.
H. Topol, N. K. Jha, H. Demirkoparan, M. Stoffel, J. Merodio: Bulging of inflated membranes made of fiber reinforced materials with different natural configurations, Eur. J. Mech. A/Solids 96: 104670 (2022), Open Access. →BibTeX.
I. V. Andrianov and H. Topol: Compatibility conditions: number of independent equations and boundary conditions (book chapter). I. Andrianov, S. Gluzman, and V. Mityushev (Editors): Mechanics and Physics of Structured Media - Asymptotic and Integral Equations Methods of Leonid Filshtinsky, 123-140 (Academic Press, 2022). Book [1], [2]. →BibTeX.
H. Topol, H. Demirkoparan, and T. J. Pence: Fibrillar Collagen: A Review of the Mechanical Modeling of Strain Mediated Enzymatic Turnover, Appl. Mech. Rev. 73: 050802 (2021). →BibTeX.
H. Topol, H. Demirkoparan, and T. J. Pence: Modeling Stretch-Dependent Collagen Fiber Density, Mech. Res. Commun. 116: 103740 (2021), Open Access. →BibTeX.
H. Topol, M. J. Al-Chlaihawi, H. Demirkoparan, and J. Merodio: Bulging initiation and propagation in fiber reinforced swellable Mooney-Rivlin membranes, J. Eng. Math. 128: 8 (2021), Open Access. →BibTeX.
H. Topol, H. Demirkoparan, and T. J. Pence: On Collagen Fiber Morphoelasticity and Homeostatic Remodeling Tone, J. Mech. Behav. Biomed. Mater. 113: 104154 (2021), Open Access. PubMed. →BibTeX.
2016 - 2020
I. V. Andrianov, V. V. Danishevskyy, and H. Topol: Local stress distribution in composites for pulled-out fibers with axially varying bonding, Acta Mech. 231: 2065-2083 (2020), Open Access. →BibTeX.
K. Gou, H. Topol, H. Demirkoparan, T. J. Pence: Stress-swelling finite element modeling of cervical response with homeostatic collagen fiber distributions, J. Biomech. Eng. - Trans. ASME 142: 081002 (2020), PubMed. →BibTeX.
H. Topol, H. Demirkoparan, T. J. Pence: Morphoelastic fiber remodeling in pressurized thick-walled cylinders with application to soft tissue collagenous tubes, Eur. J. Mech. A/Solids 77: 103800 (2019). →BibTeX.
H. Topol, K. Gou, H. Demirkoparan, and T. J. Pence: Hyperelastic modeling of the combined effects of tissue swelling and deformation-related collagen renewal in fibrous soft tissue, Biomech. Model. Mechanobiol. 17:1543-1567 (2018). PubMed. →BibTeX.
V. Zamani, T. J. Pence, H. Demirkoparan, and H. Topol: Hyperelastic Models for the Swelling of Soft Material Plugs in Confined Spaces, Int. J. Nonlin. Mech. 106: 297-309 (2018). →BibTeX.
I. V. Andrianov, V. V. Danishevskyy, H. Topol, and A. S. Luyt: Shear wave propagation in layered composites with degraded matrices at locations of imperfect bonding, Wave Motion 78: 9-31 (2018). →BibTeX.
I. V. Andrianov, H. Topol, and V. V. Danishevskyy: Asymptotic analysis of heat transfer in composite materials with nonlinear thermal properties, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 111: 736-754 (2017). →BibTeX.
H. Topol, H. Demirkoparan, T. J. Pence, and A. Wineman, Time-Evolving Collagen-Like Structural Fibers in Soft Tissues: Biaxial Loading and Spherical Inflation, Mech. Time-Depend. Mat. 21: 1-29 (2017). →BibTeX.
I. V. Andrianov, V. V. Danishevskyy, H. Topol, and G. A. Rogerson: Propagation of Floquet-Bloch shear waves in viscoelastic composites: analysis and comparison of interface/interphase models for imperfect bonding, Acta Mech. 228: 1177-1196 (2017). →BibTeX.
2011 - 2015
H. Topol and H. Demirkoparan: Evolution of mechanical properties in tissues undergoing deformation-related fiber remodeling processes, PAMM - Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. 15: 113-114 (2015). →BibTeX.
H. Topol, H. Demirkoparan, T. J. Pence, and A. Wineman: Uniaxial load analysis under stretch-dependent fiber remodeling applicable to collagenous tissue, J. Eng. Math. 95: 325-345 (2015). →BibTeX.
H. Topol and H. Demirkoparan: Evolution of the fiber density in biological tissues, PAMM - Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. 14: 103-104 (2014).
H. Topol, H. Demirkoparan, T. J. Pence, and A. Wineman, A theory for deformation dependent evolution of continuous fiber distribution applicable to biological tissue remodeling, IMA J. Appl. Math. 79: 947-977 (2014). →BibTeX.
I. V. Andrianov, V. I. Bolshakov, Y. Kirichek, and H. Topol: Periodical solutions of certain strongly nonlinear wave equations, AIP Conf. Proc. 1389: 442-44 (2011).
I. V. Andrianov, V. V. Danishevs’kyy, H. Topol and D. Weichert: Nonlinear elastic waves in a 1D layered composite material: some numerical results, AIP Conf. Proc. 1389: 438-441 (2011).
I. V. Andrianov, V. V. Danishevs’kyy, H. Topol, and D. Weichert: Homogenization of a 1D nonlinear dynamical problem for periodic composites, ZAMM - Z. Angew. Math. Meth. 91: 523-534 (2011). →BibTeX.
I. V. Andrianov and H. Topol: Asymptotic analysis and synthesis in mechanics of solids and nonlinear dynamics, [1]
2009 - 2010
I. V. Andrianov, V. V. Danishevs’kyy, H. Topol, and D. Weichert: Nonlinear dynamic properties of layered composite material, AIP Conf. Proc. 1281: 821-824 (2010).
I. V Andrianov, V. V. Danishevs’kyy, A. I. Ryzhkov, and H. Topol: Nonlinear elastic waves and dynamic properties of layered composite material, Advanced Problems in Mechanics of Heterogeneous Media and Thin-Walled Structures, pp. 19-38 (28-30 June 2010, Dnipropetrovs’k, Ukraine), Editors: V.I. Bolshakov and D. Weichert.
I. V. Andrianov, V. V. Danishevs’kyy, and H. Topol: Asymptotic homogenization for periodic composite materials with imperfect bonding conditions, Advanced Problems in Mechanics of Heterogeneous Media and Thin-Walled Structures, pp. 39-46 (28-30 June 2010, Dnipropetrovs’k, Ukraine), Editors: V.I. Bolshakov and D. Weichert.
I. V. Andrianov, V. V. Danishevs’kyy, H. Topol, and D. Weichert: Shear wave dispersion in viscoelastic composite with elastic parallelepiped inclusions, AIP Conf. Proc. 1168: 848-851 (2009).
I. V. Andrianov, H. Topol, and D. Weichert: Load transfer in fibre-reinforced composites with viscoelastic matrix: an analytical study, Arch. Appl. Mech. 79: 999-1007 (2009). →BibTeX.