Mechanoregulated Remodeling of Fibrous Tissue

One part of my research deals with the mathematical modeling of biological tissues. Biological soft tissues are complex structures, which are composed of multiple components with different functions and properties. In the framework of my research, I considered tissue models that consist of a mixture of a ground substance material and embedded collagenous fibers. The macroscopic properties of the material result from the elastic properties of the constituents, the geometry of the considered problem, the arrangement of the fibers in the ground substance, and the interplay of the constituents.

Experimental Biomechanics & Mechanobiology

(under construction)

Bifurcation of Pressurized Cylinders

Abdominal aortic aneurysms are responsible for a large number of deaths in industrialized countries. This motivates many researchers to develop models that capture the formation, development, and rupture of aneurysms. The geometry, mechanical properties, and numerous biochemical processes play an important role in the formation of dilatations in arteries. My work studies instabilities in loaded and inflated cylinders with the application to the formation and propagation of aneurysms in arterial wall tissue. Degradation

Transport Properties of Composites

My work on the mechanical behavior of composites deals with wave propagation and heat transfer in anisotropic media. This research applied different methods such as the Floquet-Bloch approach, the plane wave expansion method, the asymptotic homogenization method, and the transfer-matrix method in order to understand the properties of composites (Andrianov et al. (2011), Andrianov et al. (2017a), Andrianov et al. (2017b), Andrianov et al. (2018)). Dispersion

Stress Distribution in Loaded Composites

In composites, an important method to determine the mechanical properties of the material is the pull-out tests of fibers from the matrix. The quality of bonding between two constituents has a crucial role in the functionality of the material. There are numerous factors that lead to imperfect bonding such as cracks, corrosion, or degradation. Methods that help to understand the development of the mechanical properties with ongoing damage processes guarantee an efficient use of composites. There are different techniques at account for imperfect bonding between constituents (Andrianov et al. (2011), Andrianov et al. (2018), Andrianov et al. (2020)).